Lilyanora (Fan Art Portfolio) Shinigami: Maaren vs Death Star: Leo

Shinigami: Maaren vs Death Star: Leo
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Well... Here's my entry~ And look it's all jpg-ified so it looks like I actually took a screenshot (yeah... I was just trying to justify how jpg messed up the picture again.)

(I can't say I'm that proud of it... but its what I could do at the time)

So I may as well say what's going on...

Well, this would be an upcoming scene from my comic, Symptoms (like way future.. Chapter 6 I think. Maybe 5 depending on how long the chapters get)

For those of you who read my comic, you should already (kind of) recognize Maaren, though right now he's closer to his full Shinigami form (which is pretty darn creepy). I didn't feel like drawing some creepy monster, so I just gave him the horns and his funky Shadow Scythe.

Basically, Maaren is about to kill the Death Star Spirit, Leo (Because Leo was after Kran and Moonleta after the two of them found something out from a very wise Kitsune Demon. Kran and Moonleta weren't destined to die yet, so Maaren intervened. My Shinigami aren't supposed to kill unless a creature is destined to die on that day. Because Leo wasn't even supposed to exist, Maaren is allowed to kill him despite the fact that Leo wasn't going to die yet. And Leo's all like "Damn Shinigami!"

I'll admit, I got lazy on the cell shading with the Scythe, and used a gradient. Forgive me, but I'm bad at cell shading metal. And the background (though it took me light half an hour to get perfect) was pretty lazy of me too. I was gonna do the cross more ornate, but though perhaps I should have kept it simple. Then I just got lazy and made it too simple. The cross with the skull in the background is the symbol of the Shinigami (a way simplified version that is)

well I've written enough. I don't remember how long this took. I've been working on it for about 4 or 5 days though (and I took a little break somewhere in between)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
contest, death star spirit, jinglestanschibi, leo, lilyanora, maaren, my own anime, shinigami, symptoms
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My own Anime?!
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