Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) A fawn and A troll

A fawn and A troll
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LOL @ lame title. I almost typed title as tytle. I'm really tired haha. Thank god tomorrow's friday. FIRST HOME FOOTBALL GAME YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS I WANT TO GOOOOOOOO.

So this is my entry (le gasp) for Kaijin Kinuma's contest! Thank you so much for extending the daaaaate even though I probably won't win anything lol. They're not pretty fairies or anything. :(

Ok so bios!

On the left is Oren, a postal-carrying fawn with an odd obsession with the human world. In his bags he carries mail for all residents of the Othersyde, trickled in with various oddities from the human world. This causes him to crinkle a lot of packages, and in turn, anger all of his customers. Though most Othersyders think that he's a loon, he's every bit convinced that there is another world with "round-eared elves".

Despite his lack of popularity, he still has a very chipper and friendly persona, making a few friends, and then scaring them off with his conspiracy theories. When the main characters enter the story, he tries to help them, but with the underlying purpose of proving to all the Othersyders that he was not crazy. In the end...well, you'll hear his story after the contest dries up. :)

As for the troll... this one is just a template of how the male trolls look like (except they all have different garb on). All trolls are very childlike in personality, causing them to be easy to take advantage of. They are usually a neutral company, not forming bonds with the heroes nor the antagonists unless prompted. Because of their childlike personalities, you can also deduce that they are an extremely primitive folk, still relying on clubs and rocks rather than more sophisticated weapons, like bow & arrows or swords. They enjoy the simple pleasures in life, like creating fires and eating messy fruits so they can ruin their nice clean hide-clothes. Yes, fruits - the trolls are vegetarians, because they cannot stand to hurt the poor Othersyder creatures.

Ultimately, they are extremely kind at heart. They may only seem like the bad guys when corrupted by antagonists. :( I just like drawing them lol.

Sooo yeah hope you like Kaijin!! :)

Photoshop CS4
1 hour
No music. :(

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5 members Favoritefavorite
MissGoldenAngel Chibi Grimmjow Lament Kaijin Kinuma
Member Dedication
A Modern Tale of Faery: Elven Blood
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