[RANT]It came out too bright! DX Now I know why people say that they hate their scanners![/RANT]
Anyawy, in English, we had to do a collage as our first thing of homework that shows some stuff about ourselves. I kinda went a little nuts no? *sweatdrop*
Anyway, there are several quotes. One from Flyleaf's song Cassie (I love that song), one from One-X by Three Days Grace (Love it!), a second one from a Three Days Grace song called Get Out Alive, and one that's really faint that's from Stand in the Rain by Superchick that goes with the picture of the girl next to the moon and stars.
Anyway, you guys can tell what everything else is right? I love the chibis of Ed and Al! :3 Gosh they're so cute but it was a fail with Ed's boot. D:
My favorite thing on there though is the little box next to the pie and yellow/red sun. If you can't read it, it says "Edward Cullen: Carnivorous Discoball" and there you see a PacMan looking thing that's shiny with large fangs and is saying "Fear ME!" I got the carnivorous discoball from a fic I read not too long ago. I was going to say "gay, sparkly vampire" but I really don't think my teacher would apprechate that much. :X
Anyway, hugs and comments are really nice! *hugs Ed and Al chibis*