Entry for challenge: Shirty look
OMG!!! I'M DONE!!! This took 6 hours. Yeah, seriously. And I deserve a medal for not taking any breaks in between (besides the bathroom and getting a peanut butter sandwich to eat). Lol.
Ahaha, sloppy line art, I know. >3> Well, you may not notice it since I've downsized it, but if you saw the original resolution... It'd be like?!
To the left is supposed to be my [somewhat] recently new OC, Chloe. OMG, she looks like nothing like the original! But I still kind of like it... I like her butt. o_o XD
Okay, sorry for the lack of imagination for the T-shirt. I couldn't think of/find anything that really represented theO. So in the front just says, "Otaku desu~" with Pocky! 'Cause Pocky is cool like that.
And yes, to the right is my avatuurrr. D8 (I'm shorter than Chloe when she's younger. Lulz.)
Hmm... I think that's all I have to say. Hope y'all like her butt as much as I do! XD