saekimidori (Fan Art Portfolio) You & Me

You & Me
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Entry for challenge: Poem writing!!!

It's awfully sloppy, I know. Haha. ^^;
This is actually an old poem. I wrote it during late October four years ago. Yet it is one of my favorites that I've written. I was inspired to write it from the Full Moon o Sagashite series. I'd be glad if anyone understood it. XD

In case you can't read the text, here it is:

You & Me
Unseperable, like a pigeon from its child; a bear to its cave in winter
Won't you leave me, I hope so not
In the winds of love, I smell the wondrous cologne of your frame
That natural scent, oh so great

If even one day,
Will you miss me, if I am gone
Will you cry, if I die
Will you run if I return
Will I see you with another

That smile of yours
How sweet and gentle
Do not stop, do not frown

The first step was frightening
The second step was supportive
The third step was warm
Haven't we forgotten something

You and me
What is that to you
I wonder what you are wondering
And I am afraid of what you might say

Unseperable, like peas to its pod; a disk from its slot . . .
Won't you leave me, I wish you had not
In the winds of love, have I lost that smell of your frame
That natural scent, oh now buried beneath soil . . .

Brushes from BrushKing
Textures from

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Personal Fan Art
love, poem, you & me, you and me
9 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
Karmira meirin Kio Katake Kitty K.O. Sashyfrassy
Member Dedication
Poem writing!!!
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