SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Matsukaze

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Here he is, the other result of my recent horse drawing fit - Matsukaze.

I love this horse in the games! I steal him from Keiji anytime he appears on the field, lol, I don't even defeat Keiji first, I just knock him off and hop on! XD

anyways, again, some inconsistencies with the game's true design are probably present here, since it's hard to get reference, the games graphic are mediocre, etc...

his type was obvious, primitive, Asiatic horse type. and to go with that, I illustrated this more aggressive posture, asiatic ponies - and no exception to those in Japan during this time - were said to have been difficult to deal with, even down right bad-tempered. so if this is what Matsukaze is, than realistically, he probably wouldn't be the nicest, most agreeable animal out there (except with his "Daddy" Keiji, apparently) Especially if he was a stallion.
so hence this flat-eared get-out-of-my-face posture. lol

had fun with him though, part of the artistic license used was the added Zebra stripes on his legs - a common marking in primitive types like these. they're such interesting markings, and I thought they added even more to his wild appearance. ^^

Warriors Orochi 2 Fan Art
charger, equine, friend, horse, horses, keiji, koei, kuborocks, maeda, matsukaze, orochi, samurai, stallion, warriors, wild
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9 members Favoritefavorite
InsaneGrellLuver omnia1 Mrs Kyo Sohma Kasbaarg otaku le fae Markus wolfe
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