Found myself watching a whole bunch of Tyra Banks Show videos... IDK why I was watching them... Must have been very bored.
One of the videos I was watching was "What is Good Hair?" or something like that. It came about because of Chris Rock's documentary 'Good Hair'. She asked these little girls (the oldest I think was eight) what they thought about their own hair and what they thought good hair was. One of the girls almost made me cry, because she has SUPER long hair (past her bottom) and she said that kids would make fun of her because of her hair (she'd ask her mom to cut her hair off). SMH To any who'd like to see...
So, I guess this was "inspired" by both the movie Good Hair, and the videos of Tyra Banks Show. I wish I had the confidence to just go whooosh~ AFRO!, but I have a goal >:V At least shoulder-blade length... >___>"
R A W R~ Ardipithecus ramidus (AKA Ardi) . . .