Hi, art world! It's been a while. Well, by my standards at least. :)
Uh so these characters, you will have absolutely no idea who they are. Well, the boy, Kynan, is part of an on-again off-again project, which does not even have a title as of yet. It's a branch off an older project, The Cartographer, set in the same universe, same time, but different characters. A political drama centering around the life of the nobility, kind of, so I don't think anyone would even read it if I got to work on it. :( If you saw my sketchdump with the hand thing, then you've seen Roland, the main character. Only a bust though. I really need to get some more sketches up here; I am not even kidding, he has a hex upon my hand to draw only him and his familiars. :S!!!
Anyway, this is one of Roland's friends, Kynan, and his 7 younger sisters. I've provided names so that I don't have to point out who is who! :) But here's a little personality breakdown of the untimely crew:
Winona (9) - Seems to be a head-strong, straightforward girl, but really only copies the actions of her elder sister, Candace.
Candace (17) - Independent, feminist, and on a pedestal higher than Mount Everest, Candace makes the worst possible wife-material, which is probably why she has not been wed yet. Still, cares for her younger sisters.
Bernice (6) - Getting to the inquisitive stages of childhood; always has to know why something is happening, why everyone is doing this, why the sky is blue... Cute as a button, but intolerable after 2 minutes.
Ezra and Ophelia (2) - The twins. They are attention hogs, louder than a pack of rabid monkeys, and constantly trying to out-do each other. Ophelia is a point-and-screamer, while Ezra is get-in-your-face-screamer; it's a lose-lose situation.
Daria (1) - Dangly baby! Not much is known about her yet, except the fact that she is a regular baby: easily amused, prone to danger, and incessantly vying for attention. Possibly the reason Ezra and Ophelia are so loud.
Henrietta (15) - The definition of a worrywart. Passive as a doormat, but frets about anything and everything. Believed to be bordering on paranoia, but she's actually just very cautious.
Kynan (18) - Antisocial, hostile, and prone to violent outbursts (only toward men, because hitting a lady is unseemly!), it's a wonder why he can stay so calm in the face of all of his sisters at once. He is a very secretive person... I wonder what he's hiding? If I ever get enough personal time to sit down and at least write out what happens, I totally freaking will.
Of course the Roland story begins when Roland is 8, and Kynan is 7... It'd take a while to get up to this point; I have so so so so much to let out!!
I'd make it happen though! I vote no school, but my parents outnumber me.
1.5 hours.
Shipmeisters' Humoresque by Yoko Shimomura.