Hey, Guys, sorry for being inactive for the past two days, my desktop's keyboard broke, but today I have my new keyboard, so things are good now :D
So, you're probably wondering exactly what I was doing without being able to use my desktop other than for drawing and stuff, right?
WEEELLL, other than finding myself falling for yet ANOTHER Hetalia pairingEngland/ArthurxJapan/Kiku...
I've been listening to lots of Vocaloid songs, out of all of the ones I've been listening to, I've been listening to RIP=RELEASE the most
I swear, when I manage to find myself a free program that'll let me alter my voice(that's also virus-free), I am SOOO gonna start having Emi sing to that song first XD
Anyways, this was done while my old keyboard wasn't working, it's not much, but whatever~
And yes, I'll be making a post involving that Hetalia pairing later...
Misutine Emi(c)Me, the(not-so)fabulous Icefoxchan~