Seetherchick (Fan Art Portfolio) The painter

The painter



"Oh my husband, my husband is, an idiot. He's a teacher by day happy go lucky day dreamer painter by night. Of course he was like that when we met, well he was shadowing my teacher at the time so he wasn't teaching yet. At that age I thought if anything was going to come of us it would be a summer fling. However at the time he was set to be married so I really thought nothing would come out of it. Lo and behold two years later when I graduated from high school and himself from college we met again. He had backed out of the wedding last minute do to some crazy idea. I made a subtle move on him, I did have a crush after all, and he picked up on it. We dated for a while, shared more crazy ideas and two years later he asked me to marry him. Quickly after this I became pregnant with my first son and he learned kids aren't his thing. We promised each other no more kids, however ten years later I became pregnant once more, with two more. That was our rough patch, hell we even got divorced. Between the taking Seth back and forth to see him and "family outings" we talked through it and re-married. Yeah yeah feel good story of the year, who cares. He's better with the twins this time around then he was with Seth, or well, he doesn't throw up changing diapers anymore. This time we really promised, NO MORE KIDS."

Also this
1) Pick one of your FCs/OCs
2) Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your FC/OC
3) Tag 3 people at the end of the quiz screw that

1.) What's your name?

2.) Do you know why you were named that?
I never cared, wasn’t something that troubled me enough.

3.) Are you single or taken?
I got married twice, to the same woman and we’re still together, so yes.

4) Have any abilities or powers?
I can screw like a rabbit.

5.) Stop being a Mary-sue.
Only if you tell me if this Mary is pretty.

6.) Uh...if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
I’m too scrawny for that. Besides, who would try to pick a fight with a strong wrestler other then another one?

7.) Riiiight... Have any family members?
I’ve got my parents, my wife, and my three kids. Also in-laws, do those count?

8.) Oh? How about pets?
A Velociraptor, a Utah Raptor, a green raptor parrot thing(and its girlfriend to an unfortunate extent), a German Shepherd, and a Bull Terrier.

9.) Cool, I guess. Tell me something that you don't like.
Stupid people and changing diapers.

10.) Something that you do like?

11) Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I like to paint, sit around, having a little cuddle with the wife, watch t.v., and sleep.

12.)Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
I’m sure I have, I left my first fiancé for something that didn’t work. I also divorced my wife before because I was pissed she was having more kids. That obviously didn’t work well as I’m back with her. However I made her promise no more kids.

13.)Ever...killed anyone before?
Just the occasional fly or roach.

14.)What kind of animal are you?

15.)Name your worst habits.
I like to pretend I’m a creepy pervert and follow people with my hand in my pants. I’m surprised word hasn’t gone back to my job and I haven’t been fired yet. Or arrested.

16.) Do you look up to anyone at all?
The people who work in my field and go all the way until retirement.

17.)Gay, straight, or bi?

18.)Do you go to school?
Well if I wanna get my paycheck of course. Idiot kids can’t teach themselves!

19.) Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?
I already am, I have 3.

20.)Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Oh god I hope not, I met my wife by shadowing a teacher when she was 17 and in said teachers class.

21.)What are you most afraid of?
Losing my family, also more kids.

22.)What colour is your hair?
It’s brown.

23.) Eyes?
The most crap coloured brown you did ever see!

24.) What do you usually wear?
Around the house it’s long sleeve shirts and jeans or just regular t-shirts. At work I usually wear something that just fancy enough.

25.)What's your religion?
I’d tell but there’s no real reason to.

26.)Do you wish this quiz is over?
Why isn’t it?

27.) Well, it's still not over.

28.) Anyways, where do you live?
In a land far, far away, where dreams are reality. Either that or I’m high.

29.) What class are you? (Low class, middle class, high class)?

30.) How many friends do you have?
A few close ones and a couple creepy guys from college.

31.) If you could change anything about you, what would you change?
My virility.

33.) What is your thoughts on pie?
It’s great when it’s kept clean, oh, the food? Yeah that’s good too.

34.) Alright. What's your favourite food?
I rather like the bacon.

35.) Favourite drink?
Who doesn’t love a little Jager, other then my wife who seems to be a manly straight up beer drinker.

36.) What is your favourite place?

37.) Least favourite?

38.) Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
I’ve got crap to do, so, of course!

39.) Well, it's over.

40.) Tag 3 people.

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