Other possible title: Epic Realism Fail!
First of all, my scanner decided to shoot me in the foot and mutilate the colors and levels. (Honesty I don't think that is the major problem with this since the real one doesn't look much better, I just thought it was worth noting).
This is for a school project on The Crucible by Arther Miller. It's suppose to be Abigael Williams, the evil bitch antagonist in the story and the instigator of the Salem Witch Trials. That grey stuf is candle smoke. Since it was a school project I, for some reason, decided to try realism. At least now I know why I don't draw realism. -_-
I figured since I've been pretty inactive, and I finally got the chance to draw something, I might as well post it. I probably should have waited until I drew something decent, but oh well.
Comments/criticism still always appreciated.