yo!! ok this is my first eva drawing of the lil cutie Tsukasa!!
i just luv tsukasa!! she so cute!! lol i really enjoyed drawing her!! i drew her at school today!! hehe.......ok um well the hardest part had to be her hair,ribbon,and face!! they just wouldn't agree with me but after ten tries i finally got it right!! i hope her face isn't weirdly shaped!! O.o
um but other than that i find her fun and cute to draw!!
oh oh i almost forgot!! silly me! this is a bithday gift for naruchan28!! happy b-day!! i hope u had a good one!! ok well first off,i started drawing her and then i thought to myself "how about i make this a gift for naruchan!!"
and so i decided to give this to u!! i'm not sure if u like tsukasa or not but i assume u do,and plus i just want u to have it because u drew me such an awsome b-day gift!! so i hope u like it! and i hope everybody else likes it as well!! anywho happy birthday naruchan28!!!
i hope u like it and please tell me what u think!!
once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
P.S. 50th FANART!!! WOOT!!