QueenKittychan (Fan Art Portfolio) Antoinette and Kitty-chan

Antoinette and Kitty-chan
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Woo! How are my darling subscribers doing? Well since the only pic that has Kitty-chan in it is that apple thing and she's only in chibi form I uploaded this! This is my recent pic of her and she doesn't have kitty ears in here...oh well.

Antoinette's intro:
The girl next to her is my fave girl OC to draw. Her name's Antoinette and she's Reynard's cousin. ^___^ They're really close. He treats her (along with her little brother) as his own sibling. She doesn't talk much that people think she's a mute but when she does she's usually singing. She's affectionate to the people she trusts and she doesn't like her step-mom (her little brother's mom; her dad is Reynard's uncle). She likes to help out at a friend's circus sometimes and even travels and performs with them. She fights with an umbrella that is bullet-proof, fire-proof, and is a gun, too. She sometimes uses it as a parachute when she jumps down from a high place (even though things might go wrong but she doesn't care). The kinds of outfits she wear's are usually picked out by Reynard. They're usually a frilly dress like that one so she can move easily but she has others (she doesn't have any shorts or pants though).

Hair color - black
Eye color - purple
Height - (I don't know yet ;P)
Weight - shhhh...

That's all I can think of so far.
Hope you enjoy this!

P.S. I have two alter egos, Kitty-chan and Aria. This one is Kitty-chan so look out for Aria soon. She's the queen and somewhat a polar opposite of Kitty-chan. ;D

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
antoinette, queen kitty-chan
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8 members Favoritefavorite
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