Alchemic Mushroom (Fan Art Portfolio) elodie

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This is my character, and only my character. Please do not steal her characteristics, information, ect. because it is all property of the amazing Alchemic Mushroom.

This is my new character, Élodie (ay-lo-DEE) from Duchess in Dreamland. She, like Zylphia, is a Loogaroo which is a female, shape-shifting, vampire-like creature of French-American folklore.

Story: While passing through a mirror in the third singing tower, she is startled when she comes face-to-face with Natalia (the main character of Duchess in Dreamland), falling on top of her. After her first run-in with a Loogaroo, (which tried to devour her) Natalia isn't exactly happy. Élodie tries to explain that she has been purged of the vile blood that she was made with, and that she is now a servant of God and is striving to purge the other Loogaroo, who is a blood relative, before it can escape into "Genuine Existance".
The crosses on her shoulders keep her bound to God, and if ever they were removed, the seal on her would break, reverting her back into the demon she once was. She doesn't remember anything about the ritual used to purge her, but the exorsists of the time (some hundred years ago) cut off her white bat-like wings while the other loogaroo also had her wings cut off and was nailed to a cross much like Jesus was crucified.

Details: The staff Élodie carries is much like Natalia's staff, only, the orb on the end of Natalia's is green. The head of Natalia's staff is turned, looking more like a cresent moon.
Élodie can be brought forth into the "Genuine Existance" only if Natalia wills it. She can pass through mirrors just like Natalia. Élodie and Natalia become best friends. Later on in the story, Élodie wears the same outfit as Natalia, only in opposite colors. Natalia, in time, officially designates Élodie Baroness of Alva Roshia. They attend school together.

Whew! that was alot of info I just whipped up. anyways, like most of my artwork done on the computer these days, it was colored with just ms paint and hp image zone.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
alodia, blue, demon, fantasy, foriegn, french, other, vampire, visigoth
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