Kozume Yumashi (Fan Art Portfolio) Transformers OC: Ambroid

Transformers OC: Ambroid

2nd TF OC doodle.

This time it's Ambroid, the youngest of the Mini Seekers and the smallest along with Nellitron with a height of only 10 feet. Had a different designation upon arriving on Earth, but like the others decided to change names for reasons only known to the group.

Masquerades as a mech but is actually a femme. She has the mentality of a deranged sparkling and sounds like Gir from Invader Zim. Her high-pitched squeals tend to drive everyone up the wall and her child-like behavior makes her difficult to deal with at times. She can be serious if a situation requires it and can be quite insightful when she wants to be.

Her alt mode is a DW-22 Galeforce v.2 fighter jet, but further modifications to her transformation cog have given her the ability to have a 2nd alt mode, recently choosing a fire red/black 2007 Saturn Sky Roadster for this form.

Despite her difficulties, she has the most accurate aim of the mini seeker group and enhanced vision, allowing her to spot incoming enemies before the others can see and taking aim. Both pairs of arms can function as Gatling cannons and other assorted long range weapons, allowing her to get out multiple shots in rapid succession. She shoots wildly as if having no real target, but this is just a ruse; each shot fired has a definite mark.

The tail also functions as a weapon, firing off a disruptive wave that temporarily renders the target's weapons ineffective. Besides having four arms, she also has four optics hiding under that visor.

Ambroid is the younger sister of both Nellitron and Black Viper.

Transformers (c) Hasbro/Takara

All OCs and original ideas (c) mine.

Transformers Fan Art
ambroid, autobot, decepticon, mini, seeker, transformers
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