This is a gift for my dearest twin and roommate, Celeste Belle. She's quite inactive on here...Anyways, over on, she posted her first M-rated fic, complete with a lemon! This is to congratulate her. She originally asked for a picture of Ron and Hermione cuddling on a couch at the Burrow, but I attempted and majorly failed, so I scrapped the idea...Then, the other night, we were sitting at Pizza Hut, waiting on the pizza so we could take it back to the college and have game night with some friends, and I started doodling. Thus, a wet-and-annoyed George and a sheepish Fred were born. I then, after coloring it, asked her if she'd accept this as the gift, and explained my reasons...
Now, to explain the picture...Fred and George were NOT doing nasty things to each other!! Twincest is gross, you guys...Fred had been levitating a water balloon over George's head, and he "accidentally" dropped it, causing it to burst on poor, unsuspecting George...