I couldn't resist this, think about it?! He says "aru" at then end of everyting! And a kangaroo! Kang-aroo sounds like kang-aru! :'D
.................I thought it was funny.
If you don't not watch Hetalia, or read it, you should, it's funny. I know it's actually rather popular now, coolz. :D You don't even relize it, but you learning aobut history~! And Geography~! but now I can't do it in class without dying inside.
Yeah, so please watch/read itttt~! You'll get a favorite county in an instant it's wierd! but the further you get into it, the character might change. Yeah, so anywho~!
Actually, this is proabably a good time to exsplain the Dev nickname thing in my journal, if you have no clue what I'm talking about click, "AT", one of my nicknames, is short for Atlantis, In a dream, America *yes,I have Hetalia dreams* just kinda called me Atlantis, so the the aph peoplez, I am ATlantis, and I told my friends, and now, I am know as AT. or @, so I laugh when I see that symbol now.
lolz, I like this picture, because he's a chib! ans Unimpresssed chibi!
This is long enough, so....
I don't NOT own China, nor I will I try to claim him *jeez,Isoundlikeacountrnowtoo* but I do not remember the guy who made Hetalia so yeah.
Concept ans shtuff like the drawing is shtuff by me.
For BCA because she got me hooked on Hetalia in the first place, so blame her for this!
please comment/fave/hug, and all the shtuff.