Arctic Summer (Fan Art Portfolio) Trolling ~ Its SO Wrong

Trolling ~ Its SO Wrong
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Okay Everyone, gather around! Here's arctic summer with important info! Let it go! Basically My thing is about trolls and cyberbullies. What happens and all. So Lets Begin.

Trolling and cyberbullies, What are they?

Basically they are people on the internet that say very mean and hurtful things to you, because they simplely have no life at all. They go around leaving mean comments saying, "SCREWZ U N00bZ" Or some crap like that, I don't know... Block them or report them to the help desk if things go a little out of hand. It can get scarier if they say that they will kill you... Immediatly tell your parents, cops. Don't just report them. You never know what will happen, can't be carefree. The internet it really not the fun place it ought to be. So can really go around making it a better place. Internet is Hell, Period.
Don't be sad, kid! Its really a normal thing! I also get trolled at for a bunch of reasons! Like my opinions and all. Really if you go on with life, you will eventually start to forget. Have fun and play, thats all.
I LOVE these guys, there are so funny. They are called NigaHiga. XD I always watch it when I Feel really bad too! I don't know if it will help ya though... ;3 A message to all of his haters!
Click for Video! By NigaHiga
WARNING: This is a little troll talk that my friend was picked on by a 22 year old boy just because she liked Pokemon. That really was pretty offensive, from youtube... bad language has been censored!!

Troll: POKEMON SUCKS BIG $#$#!!!!!
Good guy: @#$% the psbc fan below me
Friend: How am I a Troll?! You Troll! get a life!
Troll: I'm not a troll you troll!
Friend: That doesn't even make sense
Friend: Its allllll your opinion troll........ lol ;}
Troll: You're a troll, mother@!#@$!
Friend: whoa whoa, somebody is getting pissed off for no aparent reason why... Tisk tisk.... D:
Troll: Did you draw those PoGayMon in your bg?
Friend: Ugh, No I didn't. The people who make pokemon did though. Whats that got to do with anything?
Troll: You $#@%^#& stealer, you could get arrested for calling yourself !@#$%
Friend: Don't call me a @#%^&&%$#@ stealer. #@%$^#%&$. People borrow and change. What are you going to do about it? Nothing.
Good guy: She is a victim of PSBC insults and you love how those persons suffer by that you definatley have no life you like how people suffer ad you happy you should leave her alone.
Friend: Yeah... leave me alone....
Troll: *Keeps saying crap*

So That Stupid Troll is actually one of the worst we have ever saw. Its so therrible that an 22 year old little boy to terrorize younger people. Its just so sad...
A message to him: You are one of the worse people out there... really... And your 22 years old? That just wrong to terrorize a little girl! >:L
So Don't be a troll! Make the internet a more better place!!!!

Sonic Fan Art
cry, depressed, internet, made fun of, mean, people, sad, sonic, troll
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2 members Favoritefavorite
AnimeGal816 LilyWhite
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