Kozume Yumashi (Fan Art Portfolio) Transformers OC: Nellitron

Transformers OC: Nellitron

4th TF OC doodle.

Nellitron, commander and leader of the Mini Seekers.

Because of her appearance, personality, and voice, most others assume she's a mech, and she doesn't bother to correct them. She is the oldest of the group and along with Ambroid, she is the shortest at 10 ft. She is also the heaviest and most heavily armored.

Like her siblings, she has two alt modes, first being a DW-22 Galeforce v.1 and the second being a modified 2007 Hyundai Elantra. Due to her heavy armor, she's not quite as fast as the others while in the air, but she can outrace any of them while they're in car mode.

'Tron's specialty lies in melee combat and brute strength. Each of her punches with her over-sized arm has about 7 tons weight behind them at full force, tearing through her opponents like paper. She also has a high powered plasma cannon located at the back of her throat that can melt just about anything that it hits. At times she can be highly aggressive.

She likes video games, but not as much as the guys and prefers to read in her spare time. As a commander she's firm but fair, treats everyone with equal respect, and is always open to suggestions from others. She can be playful and at times even indulges in pranking her other wingmates. Things tend to blow up whenever she's in a foul mood.

If you want to calm her down when she's in an extremely pissy mood, offer honey to soothe the savage beast.

Transformers (c) Hasbro/Takara

All OC's and original ideas (c) mine.

Transformers Fan Art
autobot, decepticon, mini, nellitron, seeker, transformers
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