this is one of my latest Manga crazes the other being Faster than a kiss which imma do next >U<. i love this >U< Misaki's a lot like me in personality and especially her job now since i just got hired to work in a maid-style cafe! the uni's are super cute imma draw me in it asap lol. i totally recomend this manga. anywho onto the pic itself. the colorings done in all Gimp. totally evil
made a lot of mistakes. had to do it though because by the time i realized it she had black har instead of D. Brown lol. anyways...tell me what you think ^^ comments much appreciated! ^^
ShingetsuHime (Fan Art Portfolio)
Misaki Ayuzawa

- Created
- 11/27/09
- Category
- Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- kaicho wa maid sama!, misaki ayuzawa, shingetsuhime
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- 5 votes
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- 3 members
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