Kozume Yumashi (Fan Art Portfolio) Just Desserts

Just Desserts
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~Death Whisper

Revenge can be as sweet as honey.

Found and taken in by the Decepticons after being nearly offlined permanently by his father, Headshot was reconstructed as a Demonicon mini seeker, becoming the fourth and final member of this special unit.

He quickly gained a reputation for being the most unstable and unpredictable of the group, often lashing out and severely damaging other Decepticons with little to no provocation.

His first mission against the Autobots also involved his first real kill, and it was the last time the mech known as Warzone would ever be seen by his teammates again.

Unusually quiet and content, Death Whisper returned long after the mission was over, covered in energon-blood and clutching the severed head of a mech within his claws.

Securing a corner to himself, his optic brightened with insanity, a grin forming on his face as his glossa snaked out, licking up the blood from one hand while the other idly stroked the downed mech's helm in a false display of tenderness.

"Guess what Dad...payback's a bitch..."

The other Demonicons only smirked as their wingmate continued to clean himself, harboring no sympathy for the downed Autobot.

If someone were to ask if there was ever a thing Death Whisper loved about his father, it would probably be the screams of terror that echoed in the darkness as he slowly savored and devoured the body of Warzone, piece by agonizing piece...

Transformers (c) Hasbro/Takara

All OCs and original ideas (c) mine.

Transformers Fan Art
autobot, death, decepticon, demonicon, desserts, head, just, shot, transformers, war, whisper, zone
5 votes thumb
2 members Favoritefavorite
Kamri wolfshadowlurker
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