Okay, so this is an entry for the Your Last Days contest on DA. To be honest, I was really rushing to finish this yesterday because I thought last night was the deadline. Then when I got online, I found out that the deadline was actually tomorrow (or rather today... =>.>=) instead of yesterday (two days ago XD) On the plus side, I got done before the deadline.
I've just finished my presentation tonight and I have one more final to take tomorrow and then I'm on Winter Break! I can get back to doing my manga! =>w>= I also have to invest some time in working on my senior project so that when Summer comes, I'll pretty much have the preliminary stuff done and I can focus on the main part. I'm so happy! Not just because the semester's just about done, but also because I've gotten to hang out with a very special friend of mine tonight after my presentation. =~w~= Ah, conquering alien colonies is the perfect way to unwind from public speaking. XD
It's simple, but I hope you guys like it. =^_^=I hoping to expand my artistic abilities and push to a higher plane of talent soon. =^_^= Till next update!