juujuu (Fan Art Portfolio) Extended Day

Extended Day
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I was looking through some images and realized that I hadn't drawn anything to share in a long time. By chance, I came across some images of Japanese school girls and began to envy how cute their uniforms are XD. I used to have uniforms in middle school that involved a red plaid skirt and a polo white or red shirt, and thinking back on all of this and looking at the images, I got inspired and created this. This is also one of the few times I've drawn my own backgrounds XD. It made for great practice. ^_^

The title, by the way, is taken from the after school program I used to attend. These girls are also not going home after classes, so I felt the title was appropriate. ^_^

I'm dedicating this piece to KazuhikoLover. I was their mentor, but school kept me away from internet for a long time. I hope you like it, and I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. :(

Thanks to everyone who views my work!

Tools: Photoshop Cs2/3/4
Time: 6-10 hours?
Characters, Artwork (c) Judith Arlene Keeter (Juujuu)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, blonde, blue, brunette, building, cat, cellphone, charm, city, club, cute, girl, going, home, japanese, kitty, manga, pigtails, pink, plaid, ponytail, ribbon, school, short, skirt, street, tie, uniform
22 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
KyoriKaze10 momochan2020 Saerily krow666 madELF16 10SecondsToGo xXRiyuXx ulterego333 brad4735167 Razing Phoenix otaku le fae GirKurosaki
Member Dedication
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