YAY!! I'm sooo proud of this picture! Actually...I'm only proud of the nose...BUT I'M SO HAPPY! ^ ^
The hair looks too dry...and that's bothering me, and I switched styles when coloring the face...soooo...
I wanted to draw somebody realistically, and suddenly I figured out how to color them realistically and it ended up like this...
My only problems are the hair (I just gave up on drawing her furry boa thing...O.o), I can't make it all silky and pretty like the hair we all love. *sigh* It'll just have to be dry...
Does anybody have any tips on how to draw silky-looking hair?
I got to a point where I had almost 200 layers! XD I had more than that, but I merged them all together so I won't have to see such a big number again! ^ ^;