Random title is pretty much random XD And what's anatomy?(yes, retorical question)
Anyways, I think I made it somewhat clear that I'm a fan of EnglandxJapan/ArthurxKiku<3
What's that you say? You hate Asakiku? D|
Well, I honestly don't care, so it'd be appreciated if you didn't bother telling me that(or anything about you liking another pairing, no point there really |D)
I've seen some people get harassed by USUK and some FrUK fans already on dA, don't want any harassers here D:
I admit, I REALLY am not a fan of USUK, FrUK I don't mind though(I even kinda like FrancisxArthur myself, though it's really only for the lols, I love nearly EVERY pairing with France(FrancexAmerica's my OTP with France, though)
I know I made a couple of mistakes, but I know them already
And Arthur, could you tell your hair I hate drawing it for me? 8D
England/Arthur Kirkland&Japan/Kiku Honda(c)Himaruya<3