There's been a meme going around dA recently, showing our art from 2003-2009. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and go through my old art. ^.^; It's actually been a useful exercise to see what I still need to improve and do more of. (Namely, too many sketches, concepts, and portraits, and not enough illustrations.) Looking through my art directory brought back a lot of memories (and had me laughing at how I used to think I was a pretty darn good artist!), and I'm tempted to go back to some of the old stuff and color/finish/redo them! I also got to see just how much unfinished art I have; so bad! I need to do better this year, especially since I feel like I've started to level off in my improvement. Well, there's only one way to rectify that: paint more!
And just an FYI, I am a wholly self-taught artist. Never went to art school, as my parents wanted me to be a doctor. Also, the top contains two other pieces from 2003 while the bottom is my first piece of 2010 as well as a WIP.