GTK (Fan Art Portfolio) Everything is shiny, Captain.

Everything is shiny, Captain.
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Uwaaa, I wish this turned out better T_____T So many errors DX


Anyway, this is Delyan.

While not technically a specific type of alien, he is a sort of hybrid produced by a company called Manikang. This company specializes in creating creatures based on the wants/needs of their customers.

Del is a PAH-Pet type. As the name implies, this type of creatures is intended to be someone's pet or companion. While generally 'programmed' to be cute and stay that way as they get older, they usually doesn't live very long since their owners often out grow them (in which case they are either disposed of or sent to a shelter, where they may or may not be lucky enough to be adopted by someone else).

He was formally owned by a young, rich girl from Earth and was intended to be her playmate since she didn't have any siblings (hence his mostly humanoid appearance). Of course, this girl was a spoiled brat. While at first she thought he was adorable, like a puppy, he was a few years younger than she was and that made him boring since he couldn't do all the things that she could. She told her parents he 'ran away' while they were away on a business trip, when what really happened was that she had one of her servants dump the five year old Delyan some place far from her home so he couldn't find his way back.

Del was fortunate enough to get picked up by am engineer who was scavenging for parts when he found the little guy. The two of them are now part of the crew on a Courier ship.


Brush used in the BG from here.

The map used is from Bioshock, because I'm lazy XP

Personal Fan Art
alien, original character
5 votes thumb
2 members Favoritefavorite
Member Dedication
Out of this World
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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