Gemma is probly not old enough to truly attend a fancy party...but she came to this one anyways! :D
It took me awhile to figure out what kind of dress to stick Gemma in, since no way can I see her ever pulling of something I just went with something cute! :3 I also agonized over what color to make the dress. It was originally going to be green, but I didn't like that, so I just made it blue and now it reminds me of a sailor uniform...and it dosn't even look like Gemma...FAIL. And Gemma is breaking the old taboo of wearing white socks with black shoes, 'cause that's just how she is.
But yup, Gemma is just being totally estatic about going to a fancy party and getting to wear a fancy dress. I'm not really sure she'll be all that great at dancing or socalizing, but I'm sure she'll try! ^^
Oh, and the picutre is kind of off center because that's how my scanner likes to scan things...if you know how to fix it, please tell me!