dreamkitty (Fan Art Portfolio) Sewing in Silence

Sewing in Silence

Ello! Hello!
This picture is actually (sorta not really) recent. I drew it like around Halloween (around the time Tim Buton's 9 movie came out, but this isn't what this picture is based off of) If you hadn't noticed, the newspaper on the wall in the background has actual words in it, so if you just so happen to have SUPER SIGHT/SEEING ABILITY then you could possibly read it and understand where tht guy came from ^^ Originally, I would've earased the part of the picture where you can see parts of the sketch book, but I decided against it cause it made it look cool ^w^

I'm sure you all are so desparately wondering what this picture is all about (maybe, maybe not) so I shall tell you (whether you like it or not)If you somehow managed to read the newspaper in the background, then you would see the guy in the picture was a creation of some scientist's many years ago from whatever time it is in the picture (around 1900's) Tehnecally made to replace the man's son who was a solider (who, if you can see, is in some of the pictures on the shelf in the background) who may or may have not died in war. Anyways, now the creation is lonely and was rejected from society due to peoples' fear of him being a monster. The scientist and the scientist's wife had passed away from old age, and the doll remains living in the old, dusty house sewing up his own little friends that would love him and make lonely no longer.
If you had a different idea of the story behind this picture then stick with that story! I'm sure it would be even better and a little less descrptive =.=

well, enjoy!
sketch pad, pencil
about 1 hour and 30 minutes! (half an hour)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
doll, dreamkitty, guy, lonely, sew, silence, sketch, voodoo, voodoo doll
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