belletoile (Fan Art Portfolio) Hayden Sketch

Hayden Sketch
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Hello again!! This is my BRAND NEW OC!! I have two I made up this week but the other one, named Nicholai, is yet to be drawn ^^

Introducing...HAYDEN!! *trumpet fanfare*
where did I get his name?? well first of all, Seventh Sanctum, which is an awesome website...go there if you need anything from character description, plot bunnies, character names, magic spell names, villains, and soooo much more. Also, Hayden is the name of my favourite composer. I especially like his London Symphony ^^

Info (if you can't read it on the sheet):
Age: actually, I'm going to ask you his age...based on the picture, how old is he? don't be biased if you saw the number on the sheet...

Height: 5' 5"

Hair: Copper

Eyes: Turquoise

Personality: very bubbly and happy but has an unhappy past (don't all characters...) and was very depressed at one time but slowly became his former self. He is almost never serious but can be really grave and responsible and mature when needed.

Likes: bananas and tuna (can you guess why?? no probably not because this is only something Ryuchu would understand ^^), drawing, used to love playing the violin

Dislikes: Is arachnophobic and generally hates all bugs, running, bullies, peanut butter

Okay, so that my new character...I'll have him in his real clothes (because I had him cosplaying a bit here ^^) and colored soon!!

Now, for the little comic in the corner...that was in an assembly that was mandatory for the senior class and Ryuchu was bored so she started drawing (as she does often) Well, her obsession for LenxLuka made her draw it in ACTION!!

Here's what they're saying because you probably cannot read her tInY handwriting:

Luka: He's so cute! XD

Len: Luka...What about me?

Luka: You're still so much cuter, Len! <3

Len: R...really O///O

Yup, Yup...that's the crazyness that goes on in school!!

Enjoy ^^

PS: Ignore the "for now..." next to his name...his name really is Hayden...that was Ryuchu again...

Personal Fan Art
banana, belletoile, comic, contest, hayden, len, luka, new, oc, pencil, random, ryuchu, sketch, time, tuna
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