Just the lineart, though o3o
This happens to be Shiki, anyone who has seen some stuff on my TegakiE account know her from the DCC and Poketards groups there
Shiki on the left is Poketards!Shiki(Team Aqua-ish outfit), the other is DCC!Shiki(the one with the flowers)
DCC!Shiki has part of her hair dyed dark red, Poketards!Shiki has that part dyed blue
DCC Shiki loves her pokemon, the other doesn't care about hers
Poketards!Shiki has a Dratini(Nixie) for a partner pokemon, the other has a Glaceon(Neva)
Poketards Shiki, overall, is a member of Team Aqua, LOVES money and valuables, and would go even as far as FLIRTING with someone who's probably underage, DCC Shiki's just a loving Breeder(yangire, too, but doesn't really show it)
DCC!Shiki likes drawing(though I've never showed it XD), you all know what Aqua!Shiki likes
Poketards!Shiki also PRETENDS to be innocent when she feels she needs to, DCC!Shiki is already somewhat innocent
And pretty much more stuff, and yes, I'm aware Team Aqua!Shiki has a skirt and heeled boots(this was drawn sometime AFTER apping her, and while drawing her in this pic, I was probably sugar high and wanted to give her a mini-skirt or something)
I guess it does fit in with the way she really is, though(I'll probably just have her keep switching the skirt and pants)
So, yeah, if anybody wants to color, go ahead, just give me credit on the lineart, okay? 8D