My character Sanya in mostly black sharpie; except for the eyes which are colored.
Sanya is a werewolf/kitsune hybrid (with some raven in there). Her great-grandmother was a raven sorceress named Morrigan whose secret to eternal youth was to possess her descendants. By the time Sanya was born (to a Scottish-emigrated-to-Scandinavia (I think...) werewolf and a Japanese Kitsune) she was getting desperate. Thanks to her mother's magic being passed down Sanya would be a suitable host. Sanya herself however was a tomboyish girl more interested in fighting then magic, a choice that she still regrets (pro-tip-when fighting against an evil sorceress far older then you being clueless about magic isn't a good way to start) When she was young Morrigan assaulted her house in an attempt to capture her, but only managed to murder her parents sending the young Sanya on a desperate escape from her murderous ancestor...
but that was centuries ago. Now Sanya is a bit of a lobbyist for the supernatural community (ha-ha, like they have that much inter-species organization...) Her main accomplishment so far is getting a gated neighborhood established where non-humans (or humans with special powers) can run around in peace. Most of the time she runs a club that acts as a tavern with flashier lights, and hangs out at the mall calling all the goths posers unless they can wield a battleaxe.