i'm tired.
i realised something lately. and i realised it while realising why i hang out at dA more often now.
i draw to make myself happy. making my friends happy in the process is just a plus.
and thats also why im starting to draw more curly haired people.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE to draw curly hair. i have no clue why. its fun, fantastic, and you can do so much with curls. altho it does make me envious on how in real life i cant get my curls to do ANYTHING.
even tho i did draw this out of the feeling that im obligated to post some art up.
if you found a deep meaning in this, you've been thinking too hard.
all of this is just what i wanted to draw. and lately, i want to draw non-genered people, skeletons(altho thats mainly to piss off my art teacher lol)(AND YES, PISSING HER OFF MAKES ME HAPPY D:), and curly hair.
painttool sai, tablet, brain--->hand.
.......10-15 minutes...ish?
dedicated to mariel because i love her and she inspires me. to. no. end.