Haruka's shadow minion Ran...Ran only obeys Haruka, he hides in the shadows and acts as a spy, His hands can reconnect to his wrists at will...
Ran has two diffrent forms he can take, the upper body staying the same but the legs changing...
One form he has Spider legs, for fast movement if or when he came out of the shadows, and the other he has people legs, so he can walk through towns and also not scare His creator...
When Ran walks through towns, he wears a white kimono and a mask, giving him a more human appearance...
The only way to kill Ran is to lure him compleatly out of the shadows, if even a part of him is still is in the shadows, he can regenerate, and you'll have to try all over again from the start...
This is just a rough sketch to show what he looks like, I'll get Ran's other forms up here and also colour this picture...