UUUUUGHHH. I don't like this picture. The proportions are NON-EXISTANT. UUURGH. o_x
So uh. This is a picture of my character Rick... I had a serious case of de javu when I was drawing his pose. ._.
By the way, the pose took FOREVER even though IT'S A FREAKISHLY SIMPLE POSE. I kept on messing up because he looked too skinny, then he looked too fat... then he looked skinny-fat... UUGH. ly. Ugly. I don't like this picture.
Um. I don't like the stuff I wrote on the picture. It's really stupid and weird.
He's lying about everything he's saying, by the way.
THIS PICTURE IS SO BORING AND I HATE IT. I don't just want to color it how I normally color, because that'd make it more boring... I want to do some funky-cool coloring. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOO.
AHRGH. Sorry. This picture makes me so frustrated.
The end.