Fox Faith (Fan Art Portfolio) Naruto O.C.: Inuzuka Senna

Naruto O.C.: Inuzuka Senna

I can't believe I finally did this. Somehow I should feel ashamed but I have to admit to myself that this is a good human figure. Anyways...

Name: Inuzuka Senna
Occupation: Black Smith ( Not a ninja?! Shocking I know.)
Weight: 165 lbs. (hehe big girl)
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Ninja rank: None
Jutsus:Her corgi, Muka. Basic fire breathing
Kekke Genkai: Potential for Sharingan (Most likely will never use it.)
Clan: Origanly Uchiha but now lives with the Inuzuka.

Personality and Quirks: Strong, often angry at stupid stuff and hates any thing to do with the Uchiha.( but she doesn't hate the peaceful clan members only the ones who wanted war.) Senna has a take no prisoners additude and when she's angry she isolate herself so that her outraging won't hurt anyone. She has a strong confidince and rarely second guesses herself. When it comes to being a black smith she takes it very seriously often colapsing in exhaustion from over working herself to fill out her clients orders. Though her skills mostly dwell on forging armor for the Inuzuka's dogs she often takes up making armor and weapons for her friends and family within her clan (Inuzuka). She doesn't however make armor and weapons for other ninjas unless she feels like it. The girl is also is a emotional roller coaster and isn't afraid to show her emotions to the general public if and when she ventures out and its rare that she does.

History: We have to start out with her father. Uchiha Mushin, the cousin of Uchiha Mikoto. (Itachi's mom). He was close with his cousin and came to know Uchiha Fugaku (Itachi's dad) as a tyrant. He often expressed his dislike for the man to his cousin but she wouldn't have it because she loved him. This boarderline hatred rubbed off on Mushin's only daughter, Senna. She was only eight (She's an Uchiha go figure) and a genin student when this was going on. Mushin was good friends with Inuzuka Shippo, who had been on the same team sense they were genin. Mushin was also friends with Junpei, the father of Tenten and a metal smith. The day came when Senna tried out to become a chunin and lost her arm in the process. Unable to use jutsu, she was never to be a ninja again because of Uchiha laws. Having a confident additute, Senna took up an apprenticeship under Junpei after being inspired to protect the dogs of the Inuzuka clan. Mushin being sick of the clan's laws decided that he didn't want this for his daughter and had Shippou, who is the girl's godfather, accept her into the Inuzuka clan, changing her surname.

If you guys have questions please ask.

Reason for making Senna an Uchiha: Well, I wanted a challange to create a character using the most used surname for Naruto o.c.'s. By passing on the whole massacre thing was almost impossible. Until, I had the idea that Senna wasn't going to be an Uchiha for long. By removing her last name and making her a devoted Iunzuka, I hoped that she would have been erased form the Uchiha clan records thus saving her from the massacre. She doesn't like the Uchiha morals anyways so the trasition wasn't hard. As for her father he was killed in the massacre too. Senna blamed his death on the way they wanted to take over. (Her father was in on the plot and sensed a civil war cominng that he didn't want Senna apart of.)

If there is anything mary-sue about her then let me know.

Naruto Fan Art
inuzuka senna, naruto, senna
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