Otomi Babii (Fan Art Portfolio) For The One I Love Most....

For The One I Love Most....
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Jenae aka Naomi Bear! I will love this girl forever!

What is my inspiration when I draw pictures?
Who cheers me on through thick and thin?
Who has ALWAYS been there with me (literally)?
Certainly my twin.

Tis be the reasoning I was not on the computer all day yesterday. I spent all day yesterday drawing this picture, without Jenae knowing it. She was curious of what I was working on but I didn't show it to her cause I wanted to surprise her with it. When it was all finished and such, I showed it to her. It almost brought tears to her eyes and to mines :'D. She took a picture and sent it to her boyfriend and bragged about it to mommy and such. I felt accomplished!

The pose in the middle was actually referenced from her dance emsemble picture. She don't want to scan that picture into the cpu soooo you guys won't see it. xD

I love my sister more than anybody and everybody and I just wanted to thank her for all that she has done for me. I LOVE YOU JENAE!!!

♥ Nellie

Favs/Comments/Hugs are very much appreiciated!!! :D

Personal Fan Art
dancer, inspiration, jenae, love, naomi bear
21 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
AnimeGal816 vdr-07 aoneko japonica chan Naomi Bear cheriblosomchibi animelover7310
Member Dedication
Naomi Bear
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