This is for my myth project for english. We had to create a myht.
My question- Why are the Cardinal's feathers red?
Answer- Sunburn (。_。)
This is a scene where some of the Cardinals fall from the sky.
I bet some of you guys don't get it?
Well, I'll post the story some day...
Yeah, I thought bringing in Rin would be quite fun :D
I also added a Kaito blue bird somewhere in there too ( ̄∇ ̄*)
I love Vocaloids~ 'specially Kaito-kun ♥(>ω<*)♥
I didnt spend that much time on it cuase it was school work. So yeeah, Rin was lazily drawn and she's chubby in some areas >_<
Don't mind the hiragana and kanji. I got it from Bing Translator so I'm not sure if it's right or wrong (*´ο`*)=3