I,myself (Fan Art Portfolio) Kvar

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For Cutepresea's Tethe'alla challenge. I did Kvar! Because I liked his voice. (And he's got some wierdo Storm Hawks armor going on there.) Hopefully you could tell who it was, though..... hopefully.

I'm not too happy with it. He gave me a lot of problems (as you can tell) and he still looks like a really ugly chibi. So I drew a really ugly chibi to make my not-supposed-to-be-a-chibi version look better. ...Didn't work either. So now there are two ugly chibi lookin' things! Anyway, like with my Moses Sandor picture, he was supposed to have a longer face than that. And I am incapable of perception. I guess I didn't really spend all that long on him, but I still wish my pictures looked better with less work. XD

So here you go, Cutepresea. Hope he's not too misshapen. And I know in the anime they made his eyes all black with red eyeshine or something, but you said we were going more off the game and you never saw his eyes in that. I think it looks better in full view, or it look monsterously worse. Dunno.

Drawn and shaded completely with my handy dandy green mechanical pencil. Colored using the tint feature on Picnik because I cannot color. maybe I'll put up the original later. Dedicated to Echo because she tried to help me my perception impediment.

Tales of Symphonia Fan Art
bad, cardinal, desian, grand, i, kvar, myself, pencil, symphonia, tales, villain
3 votes thumb
2 members Favoritefavorite
The Eighth Sin
Member Dedication
The Echo Effect
In celebration of Tethe'alla
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