Not entirely sure if this can be counted into the gender bender contest... I originally scribbled it out as a celebration with myself over Hourou Musuko getting licensed AND getting an anime! I'm so excited. :DDD
On the left is Shuu. He was born as a boy but is really a girl.
On the right is Takatsuki. She was born as a girl but is really a boy.
I still refer to them as the wrong pronouns because they aren't crossdressing full time. D: Is that bad of me?
Even though I put them in the opposite gender's underwear I still tried to make their bodies look like boy's and girl's. In my experience, girls tend to be a little... thicker than boys. In the legs and such. I'm doing a good job though! My family thought Takatsuki was a legit boy until my mom is like "Wait a minute. It looks more like a girl!" ooooops.
The not-looking-directly-at-you thing is representative of something, I just don't know what. xD
orz. Who wants to buy me a chest binder?