makopyro (Fan Art Portfolio) Saiyukano & Zetsumei te

Saiyukano & Zetsumei te
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Submission for a contest. It's a work in progress and not yet finish. Saiyukano is an original character for a Bleach fanfic I never finished. Maybe this drawing will inspire me to finish it. FIRST SUBMISSION!!!

Edit: Here's Saiyukano's Profile

Saiyukano’s bio

Name: Saiyukano
Nickname: Sai
Age: Unknown but looks 17
D.O.B.: Unknown
Blood Type: O
Height: 5’7
Weight: 150lb
Skin Color: peach
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Reiatsu color: Dark Purple, Black with Dark Purple outline (Hollowfied)
Occupation: Substitute Soul Reaper
Gigai: None due to his body being of type of experimental a soul that can become a physical body or spiritual body due still need the fuel that Gigai need to avoid the stiffness.
Race: Unknown to Saiyukano himself, his body is made from spiritual particle of a Soul Reaper, Hollow and Arrancar combined with the reishi of a Bakkoutou. Combined with the flesh and reishi of a human which and can disguise appearance and spiritual pressure to look and feel like a normal humans. Making Sai an extremely affective human weapon.


Zanpakutou: Zetsumei Te (Death’s Hand)
Arrancar’s Resurrection: Angelico


Things that stand for or demonstrate Zen
Being a Soul Reaper
Playing sports
Being able to help others out
Melody (Even though he won’t admit it)
Kind people
Relaxing at a park or plaza
Taking a nap up on a tree


Things that cause others pain
Having the house to himself
Not being close enough to help Melody when she needs it
When Melody is sad or hurt
Failing to protect others or help others
Spicy food
Phantom pain for the healed cut in his neck

Physical Appearance

Sai wears somewhat baggy, tan cargo pants along with a black, long sleeve T-shirt and a vest jacket with a Yin &Yang symbol on the back. He also wears a biker glove and bandages on his right hand to hide the nucleus of the Bakkoutou. When changing from spiritual form, his physical form separates and dissolves.

History and Facts

Unknown to Sai himself, he was an experiment made by Espada 8. Szayel Aporro Granz. Something went wrong and Sai escaped Hueco Mundo. After escaping, he followed was his genetic data told him to do. To feed on the spiritual energy of a thousand Hollows. This act killed a thousand of Hallows. Sai was regularly fed Szayel’s reishi along with replica reishi of the other Arrancar members slightly over a thousand times. His hunt for Hallow reishi led him to the real world where he collected the reishi equal to a thousand Soul Reapers as well through his Seal Resurrection. Only five Soul Reapers were killed. Like the Hallows, a thousand of Humans were killed too down. Even the bodies were absorbed by being converted to special kind of reishi that allows Sai to be in physical form or spiritual form. The only bad side to his physical form is that the reishi used to form it make it more like a Gigai which still needs the special fuel that stops the Gigai from becoming stiff and slowed severely. Sai has Urahara making a mixture to so he no longer need s the mixture.


Saiyukano’s personality used to more outgoing till he found out that he was a an experiment by Szayel. He gives off and somewhat cold and calculating first impression but catch him off guard you and can get a peek into his old personality that he tried to rid of himself of. Despite looking and occasionally acting cold, he’s still a kind person at heart and hardly tolerates injustices. He’ll do just about anything to protect those he loves. Saiyukano does believe in second chances but only if they truly deserve it. Sai usually very patient toward others and hardly expresses is anger or any other negative emotions. Due to this, he’s able to seal his Zanpakutou despite the his enormous reiryoku.

Sealed States/Normal states

Bakkoutou: Taking the form of a Western Long sword by appearance. The guard is made up of two dragons. One red and the other blue. It has a longer reach than normal swords and provides more power at the slight expense of speed. A chain that emerges from Sai’s palm merges with base of the hilt to feed and evolve the blade. Since Sai’s body is the Bakkoutou, he is force to feed it his own spiritual energy. Which means Sai himself must feed on outside reishi or reiryoku…

Zanpakutou: Zetsumei Te’s Sealed State is a basic nodachi rather than a katana. The grip on the hilt is a dark purple with a scythe insignia the end of the hilt with is a copper color. The guard, a circular shape with the engraving of the Japanese cherry blossom.

Arrancar Zanpakutou: Angelico’s Seal State takes the form of rapier made from vibrating reishi as fast speeds than Uryu’s Seele Schneider. It allows Sai’s absorb reishi from the area or if stabbed or cutting into an opponent to absorb a good amount of their reiryoku. I can also absorb reishi based attack such as an Arrancar’s Cero. Unfortunately, in this form, it can only do one or the other at a time one. Weapon and direct absorber or area absorber. The reishi is white and the hilt is straight with a slight curve at the end.

Zetsumei Te’s Manifestation and Personality

Zetsumei Te is a man in a gray robe that has his eyes covered by a hood at all times. The only noticeable physical feature is the short, auburn beard he has on his chin. He often is blunt and straight to the point.
Sometimes saying something that Saiyukano disagrees with only for Sai to have a sudden realization. If Sai was to describe Zetsumei Te, he would find himself somewhat describing his own personality. On occasion when Sai is in doubt in battle, Zetsumei Te will appear to encourage Sai.


By shouting Sesshokou (Reach)! Zetsumei Te! The blade becomes somewhat like a long triangle shape with a slight curved blade downward. It can produce a spiritual chain that can extend and short at will. Zetsumei Te’s tooth can be used like a hook, catching the opponent and then pulling them toward Sai. The blade’s colors consist of black and silver-like color. The grip is long and cylindrical that is a burnt red color.


Bankai is still virtually unknown. Due to the usage of the Bakkoutou, Sealed Resurrection, and Zanpakutou. Since Sai is the main body of the Bakkoutou itself, he cannot absorb himself but he can severely weaken himself. So the combination his Seal Resurrection and Bakkoutou is often his main offence. Therefore his progression toward Bankai is stunted…


By shouting, “Vuela! Angelico!” His sword becomes upper body armor. With wing made from reishi come out of the armor, it absorbs reishi from the area and that can be used as a weapon. Along with the armor and wings, he can release a sword made reishi from his right arm armor covering. The sword is straight from the armor and there is no need grasp it there allowing all three of his weapons to be in use. Though the sword can only steal reishi. Unfortunately, Resurrection can only be uses part of Sai’s Hallow mask is broken during after using the Hallowfication process. The only problem with using Resurrection is that Sai puts himself in danger of fully being taken over by his inner Hallow and becoming fully Hallow. Putting other in danger.

Bakkoutou Evolution

Like all Bakkoutou, the weapon part evolves as reishi is fed to the nucleus. A chain emerges from Sai’s palm to attach to the sword to make it evolve. The blade over becomes bigger as new abilities are useable after feeding it enough reishi. This Sai’s Bakkoutou is has reign over fire and lightning. The default ability is being able to shoot out a fireball/lightning ball mix, followed by pillars of flames/lightning, then a wall or a wave of flames and lightning, after that, a tornado of flames and lightning, and lastly, unleashing two dragons, a flame dragon and lightning dragon. The downside to using the Bakkoutou without his Sealed Resurrection is that Sai’s risks knocking himself cold having the nucleus devour too much of his reishi which would force him to return to his physical form to so he can quickly recover his reishi again.

Kido Spell

Sai learned many kido spell from just feeding on the Soul Reapers. He can use Eishohaki. (Incantation Abandonment)

Bakudo (Way of Binding)

No.1 Sai (Restrain)
Locks a target’s arms in place behind their back

No.4 Hainawa (Crawling Rope)

An energy rope entangles he targets arms.

No.9 Geki (Strike)

Engulfs the target in a red light, completely paralyzing them.

Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat

No.21 Sekienton (Red Smoke Escape)

Creates a blast of upon activation and is used like a ninja’s smoke bomb.

No.26 Kyokko (Curved Light)

Hides the target from sight, by bending light. The spell has the ability to hide the reiatsu and presence of the user of specified object.

No.37 Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)

Creates a star-shaped cushion of reishi, which anchor it to nearby objects with “ropes“. It can stop falling objects, acting like a safety net.

No.39 Enkosen (Arc Shield)

Summons a shield of condensed reiatsu to black opponents’ attacks.

No.61 Rikujokoro (Six Rods Prison of Light)

Summons six thin, wide beams of light that slams into a targets midsection, holding them in places. The target is then unable to move any part of their body..

Incantation: Carriage of Thunder, Bridge of a Spinning Wheel, With light, divide this into six!

No.62 Hyapporankan (Hundred Steps Fence)

A rod formed of energy is thrown toward the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and rendering them immobile.

No.81 Danku (Splitting Void)

Creates a barrier in the form of a rectangular wall. Capable of stopping up to destructive spell 88.

Hado (Way of Destruction)

No.1 Sho (Thrust)

Pushes target away from caster.

No.4 Byakurai (Pale Lightning)

The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger.

No.31 Shakkaho (Shot of Red Fire)

Fires a ball of red energy at a target.

Incantation: Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter wings, Ye who bears the name of man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on south!

No.33 Sokatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)

Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy like 31 but over a wider area and more power.

Incantation: Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter wings, Ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleashed but slightly the wrath of your claws.

No.54 Haien (Abolishing Flames)

Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.

No.73 Soren Sokatsui (Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down)

Like 33. This spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single shot variety.

Incantation: Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter wings, Ye who bears the name of man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens.

No.88 Hiryugekizokushintenraihu (Flying Dragon-striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)

Fires a gigantic electricity blast of spiritual energy resulting in a truly enormous explosion.

No. 90 Kurohitsugi (Black Coffin)

Forms a box of black energy around a target which is then pierce by dozen of energy spears lacerating the target inside from head to toe. It is very difficult to use as Aizen could only unleash a third of it power without the incantation.

No.91 Senju Koten Taiho (Thousand-hand Bright Heaven Culling-Sear)

Summons several spears of light that are all fired towards the same focal point where the intended target resides. The culminating explosion is devastating.

Incantation: Limit of the thousand hands, respectful, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in the light, the wind that ignites the ambers, time that gather when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired.

No.96 Itto Kaso (Single Blade Cremation)

A forbidden spell. Causes a huge pillar of fire from the ground in the shape of a katana’s tip. One’s body is used as a Catalyst.

Keikatsu (Opening Revival)

A healing technique that heals one person.

Bleach Fan Art
bleach, death, original character, shinigami, soul reaper, zanpaktou
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