Well, it ain't exactly a high quality pic but that's because my computer is broken and my scanner isn't compatible with my laptop. So, I had to stoop to using a camera for this T_T. This was suppose to be for Mephiles the dark and his sister Shadow Roy on their birthday which was on March 28 but because of my computer problems I wasn't able to out it up. I was asked to do them holding hands -_-. Yeah, this really isn't my 'style' but I did it for the sake of their birthday and because I'm such a nice guy :D. Other than that, happy belated birthday to both Mephiles the dark and Shadow Roy. I hope you guys enjoy it. :3 I will try and put one of better quality when I get my comp fixed. Sorry that I could not dedicate to both of you because the site doesn't allow me to input another name.
Edit: Okay so it's not as strange as it seems because from what I have been told by Shadow Roy is that the hedgehog is, in fact, a girl hedgehog so I guess it's alright then.