Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Lewis Dodgson

Lewis Dodgson
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Haha! Get it? Lewis Dodgson? Lewis Carroll, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson!?

If you don't it's a mixture of the creator of Alice in Wonderland's pseudonym name and real name. Well, I just forgot what his professions 'n stuff were so I looked him up on wiki, turns out he's more interesting than I thought.

So I made a character based off of him! But instead of taking pictures and writing stories about little girls he draws and designs dolls of little girls! XD Nuuu...he's not a pedo-bear...neither is Lewis Carroll, I think (I'm meaning my opinion, I KNOW he's not a pedophile)...You can like children and feel nothing sexual towards them, y'know...>:(

Anyways, he isn't very good at talking so he prefers to right notes (because he gets embarrassed when talking)...Lewis Carroll had a stammer that messed up his talking so he stuttered a lot...I dunno if he got embarrassed, but I'm making this character embarrassed at talking.

And Lewis Carroll also broke his leg which may have caused him to walk funny, so I might give Lewis Dodgson a cane...

Lewis Carroll is interesting, man! O.O

Now...this character is a very quiet man, but he's a genius because he can create really amazing dolls AND clocks so he's really good at making things. He also has a mind for imagination and likes sweet things and somewhat feminine things (he makes female dolls, it's not like he's going to make them wear men's clothes).

Just a quick sketch and colour.

I might use him for a oneshot...a oneshot I've been thinking of...

I love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! XD Sorry, random, but I do!!

Enjoy! ^ ^

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
carroll, charles, dodgson, lewis, lutwidge
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