Natsu vs. nino! fight to the death!
veiwer disgression may be advised
(no actual artists were harmed in the making of this drawing) XD
this is for the 'Otaku Battle Royal' by Yours Truly
we were pretty tired that day. so we ended up just doing a tag team drawing.
(the village behind us was purely for our entertainment.)
--breif explaination! ..ish!
we didn't wan't to enter it twice so i'll speak for both of us. ;P
(i would have drawn all my art crap
but that was being a little over used... ^^")
so! Fire!
cuz i'm just that hot! lol jkjk!
it's cuz i have a bit of a short temper sometimes... <:3
expecialy when people think they're better than everyone else! Grrr!
has the unique ability to shoot spaceships out of her mouth! she realy can say the weirdest things sometimes... ^^" well nino! (i hope your space fleet is flame retardent! X3
seriously if you don't believe me, check out her world..!o.O
we used pens and colored pencils (yes we were that lazy -_-")
hope you like it!
-natsu signing out!