quarteni (Fan Art Portfolio) O-Bonnie

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Halloween + NYC + Obon = O-Bonnie

Bonnie sports a Statue of Liberty themed hairstyle, wearing a light green kimono with a "Bobbing for Apples" inspired pattern. Donning a Taxi Checkered obi she and her three hitodama* (Lil' Devil, Ghosty, and Witchy) are crossing the waters guided by a toro nagashi** hauling their spoils from a night of Trick-or-Treating!

What's in here:

— Oban vs. Halloween: From what I understand Oban and Halloween both have a belief that souls revisit the real world. Both are held at different times, but I went with the "souls coming back to visit the living" and ran with it.

— Kimono: Aren't real kimonos beautiful?! I tried my best to make this one look as much like a kimono pattern would. The theme is "Bobbing for Apples" which the apples are also a reference to the Big Apple! ( º w º ) So we of course have water/waves with apples floating in them!
It's my first time coloring a kimono. Did I do well?

— *Hitodama: Houman souls. "Will-o-Wisps." Call them whatever you'd like. From what I've read these guys are blue and sometimes green. They usually hang around grave-sites. They also like to play tricks so they're perfect for the "Trick" in "Trick or treat!"

— **Toro nagashi: Basically a lantern boat that helps guide souls back to the netherworld. They're usually sent floating towards the end of the festival.

— Taxi Checkered Obi: You cannot have a kimono without a beautiful obi to hold it all together. This one represent the infamous taxis in NYC!

—Jack-O-Lantern: When I read up on Jack-o-Lanterns they were they turned out to be more than just spooky faces carved into pumpkins. Everybody knows about the headless horseman, right? Well, our little hitodama are stealing his head as a prank! I also discovered the term "Jack-O-Lantern" also (in other countries) referred to will-o-wisps (wandering souls or ghost lights). Nifty, huh?

— Costumes: Dressing up in costumes is a long time tradition for Halloween. Some of the most iconic to me are devils, ghosts, and witches! Bonnie is wearing a Statue of Liberty hairstyle and Lady Liberty's headband... thing... Does it have a special name? She's also got a crazy mask, just in case she doesn't look scary enough.

— Carmel Apple: Duh! The absolute best fall time treat!

— Candy: Of course there's candy! It wouldn't be a holiday without some!

— Trick-or-Treat Bag: Does that really need explaining. =w=;;

There's some stuff I left out so it wouldn't be too cluttered... Hope ya like it!

Hopefully, I didn't misunderstand the Obon Festival. Or Halloween for that matter. ( ^ _ ^ ;;) I tried to read as much as I could to make sure I got it right.


Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
2010, mascot, new york anime festival, nyaf, obon, qrt, quarteni
8 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
otakufangirl OtakuSan85362 TheLonelyKiwi
Member Dedication
New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest '10
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