>u< I totally luffs these guys (especially Nerutan, teh blue hair one *w*)
There voices are like, totally awesome in their own special ways 'w'
I wrote down why I luff them in my Music Journal (for school)
Faneru->ふぁねる: My #1, ichiban, favorite of all time, no matter what! Faneru's voice is so soft, sweet, and gentl. He can also hit some high notes! People say he sounds like Elmo, and I have to agree xD His voice is definetly different from other singers. And his megane makes him kawaii >//u//<
Gero: His singing is like "Whoah". He can hit highs and lows and he can also get that Hard Metal voice. He's very playful, too. ^w^
ASK: He kinda sounds like Faneru sometimes... But other times, he just sounds like, "ASK". I get meh info on him from nicovideo >u< in the search for Neru-tan!!!!
--> D: I messed up on Neru's arm.... And Gerorin's mouth on the top corner...
Coloring came out okay... But I need to get new Peach colored colored pencils....
Oh noz! Dx the date got cut off!!!