-_- thought i might submit something before i went to bed, (it's 1:17 in the morning) shhh...
A pic of Bura, (she's a mid teenager when she travels to the past) chibi trunks and Future Trunks. They're hanging out in a lit part of a forest because chibi trunks wouldn't stop crying in the dark parts of the forest. He takes a liking to Bura's tail and cuddles with it while he sleeps. Future Trunks kind of keeps his distance and feels a little left out, since his curiosity got him a smack in the face with Bura's tail. Afterward, she shoves him face first into the floor and nearly yanks off his pants just to prove to him that he once had a tail too. He has a slight scar on his lower back where it used to be.
Just so you know, Bura doesn't have that tail weakness thing. She evolved like her father.
my idea for manipulating gradient shapes, it kinda worked...
feh...i'm still not happy with how i do backgrounds.
i'll return later today, i feel like i've been gone a long time for some reason...