Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Me As Gastly!

Me As Gastly!
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There is a lame colour version of this if you want to check it out:


I did nearly submit that but when writing this part, I changed my mind and decided instead to print off the B/W outline and shade that instead (I scan everything before shading in case I do something stupid like this!) It was a good choice. I really don't like the colour version much but ended up doing it by accident, since I thought this contest said extra points were given to coloured versions, then I looked and saw I was mixed up and decided to shade instead ~ Nods ~ I am way better at shading than colouring ~ Cringes ~ That and I tossed most of my pencil crayons when I moved out, I need to get some more in case I think colouring is a good idea again sometime lol!

But anyway to this picture. It is for a contest where you have to draw yourself as a Pokemon, and since my favourite Pokemon (and the only one I can draw without a reference save old drawings) is Gastly I drew myself as Gastly. I also entered the contest because this image came into my head when I read the descriptions and made me laugh!

Gastly is a Ghost pokemon and so he hovers, and as a human I can't hover (though Dranzer can ~ grins ~) and so I came up with the idea of being suspended above the ground, and I have to admit that I am quite pleased with this. For once my mind seemed to have a good idea of what it wanted to do ~ high fives it ~ And considering I hate side profiles I am pleased I look human in this ~ laughs ~ It ended up being in a school sports hall because...err I have no idea why, but that is very loosely modelled on my high school sports hall ~ Bursts out laughing ~ Rest assured though I was never caught pretending to be Gastly in high school, though it does look like fun lol

I split the paper in two so you could see me as Gastly, and then see me suspended from the air so you know how it all works. It also gives you slightly different looks at the sports hall ((Odd fact: I hated that climbing frame in high school ~ Cringes ~)). But yea, I like how it turned out.

The contest also calls for me to explain why I would be Gastly so err here goes ~ Looks to the spiders for inspiration ~ I have no idea. Maybe because he is meant to be scary or something. In the wrong mood I am scary ~ nods head ~ Not around too much, an acquired taste. I vaguely recall a fair number of people used to like Gastly when I was a Pokemon fan, and though you wouldn't normally expect it he is popular. I think I am similar in that respect. A lot of what I am is not great, but somehow it seems to work and people (including myself) like it.

~ Hears crickets in the background ~ Fine I admit it, I drew it because of the image my mind created and the fact I do happen to like Gastly lol.

In short: This is an image of me pretending to the Gastly for a contest. I did it with ink and then shaded it in a variety of pencils. My favourite bits are the writing and the fact the whole image worked, my worst parts are probably my clawed hands, out of proportion face, and extra long body! Oh and it took maybe 4/5 hours to do both though it didn't feel like that long oddly enough!

Many thanks for looking, and all the best.


PS: I love the writing, that is the best part probably XD

Pokemon Fan Art
9 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
aoneko Bazinga ecnelisterger Sakaki Sakura Angel Zakuro
Member Dedication
If you were pokemon/gijinka
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