SaxGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Barty the pathologist

Barty the pathologist
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...There's a story behind thisXD

At university, we have these big projects we do in groups (one project each period) This one was about relieving the work of a pathologist - making a computer program that counts cells on an image and seperates diseased ones from healthy ones. (Just so you know: I'm studying Biomedical Engineering^^)

We had to do a presentation as well as making a report this time (usually it's 'just' the report) and we had this workshop yesterday about how to give a good presentation (like, omg=.= we're at UNIVERSITY, people!oO;) Anyways - we had to think about how we could keep our audience interested, and eventually, these two guys from my group came up with the idea of a cartoon at the end of the presentationXD So I said I'd draw it:P lmao

And this is the resultXD Maybe a bit crappy cause I had to finish it quickly and there was really no time for precision, but I'm proud of it anyways:P I hope you can see the story behind itx3 Ah well, I'll give a short explanation:
1. Barty at work, peering through his microscope, looking at a bunch of cells.
2. Barty counting cells, junk piling up all over his desk.
3. Barty is done counting cells, lots of junk around.
4. Barty uses our program and has time to do other stuff now:P Like sitting on the beachXD

One more thing: Barty is based on the actual professor who coordinates the projectXD He kinda looks like Barty, he loves pie - and his name is BartXD So yeahXD Now I've explained just about everything, have fun staring at it!xD roflmao oO; I just thought it'd be fun to share this with you:P

Time taken: 4-5 hours
Done in: Photoshop CS3 (with pen tablet)
Art (C) me, idea (C) a couple of my fellow students

(BTW, there was originally a bar underneath it which had our names on it, so I had to remove that^^; Would've kept the bar without the names but Photoshop decided to be annoyingT_T)


Personal Fan Art
barty, barty the pathologist, cartoon, cells, computer, fun, lol, pathologist, presentation, program, project, saxgirl, university, xd
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