I've been playing a lot of Wind Waker (actually, it's not really that much, but my mind has been on it the past 3 days), so I wanted to draw SOMEBODY in a Wind Waker style...I mean, one of my OCs...but I have no fantastical OCs, so I just decided to draw Kiyoshi as if he were in Wind Waker...
I tried my best, but it doesn't really look much like the Wind Waker style MOSTLY because the lines are soooo incredibly thick in the artist's style...but I just can't manage to make such thick lines. My lines are thick, but not that thick. I wonder if the artist just drew them really quickly with a marker...I mean, there's NO DETAIL in the drawings, the anatomy is terrible, and there's lines going everywhere. They're certainly drawings I could draw in like 5 minutes. I drew this in like 10 minutes (because I was trying make it exactly like the style).
Kiyoshi looks like a pirate! XD Or an islander..XD He'd be on Windfall Island...because I don't think he'd survive anywhere else...XD
Enjoy! XD